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Scottish North Coast 500 Tour

Since 2012 the 1100 Club has conducted a number of tours around the UK and abroad but the arrival of the pandemic put these sort of events out of the question for a time. Indeed a 500 mile tour around the Scottish North Coast had already been planned before having to be indefinitely postponed. However, for 2023, club member Ryan took on the task of getting the Scottish NC500 happening and here are some photos from the journey.

The starting and finishing point of the tour was Inverness but participants from across the UK, and a couple from Europe, began to meet up as they journeyed north through England beforehand.

At the end of the week-long tour, those taking part considered their lasting memories to be the breathtaking scenery; the magnificent effort that went into organising it; and the friendships that grew out of the loyalty and generosity of those involved.

Members can read the full story in the club magazine "Idle Chatter" in issues Sep-Oct and Nov-Dec 2023.

Ryan is planning a tour of Yorkshire for August 2025.

Details will be in Idle Chatter closer to the date.